What Next?

What Next?

By now, you should have a clear understanding of what iAVs Sandgardening is and what it can do.

What happens next is entirely dependent on your situation and your reaction to what you’ve read.

If you’re concerned about what your family eats and you just want to grow your own clean fresh organic food, we’ve got you covered.  We can show you how to build and operate your own version of the most productive, resilient and sustainable gardening method yet devised – and we can do it on a scale that suits your circumstances.

If you’re an NGO and you really want to enhance the health, security and survival of your constituents… fund an iAVs program in a district of your choosing.

If you’re a manufacturer or supplier of greenhouses, sand, aquaculture and/or control systems, or renewable energy systems – collaborate with us.

If you’re a decision-maker in an existing research facility…provide us with access to space, test equipment and other research-related resources.  Direct prospective post-graduate candidates to us for horticultural, ecological, microbiological, aquaculture, agricultural economics (and other) research and investigation opportunities.

If you’re a community leader, organizer, politician or influential official in a water-stressed nation or region…talk to us about how iAVs can positively impact your environment, nutrition and food security.

If you’re a gifted communicator, a journalist, TV producer, ethical marketing guru…help bring our message to a wider audience.

If you’re Elon Musk, Bill or Melinda Gates – or another philanthropic mover and shaker – have your executive assistant call us so that we can discuss how to influence the world in a very tangible way…at a critical time.

Our core mission is to teach people how to grow their own clean fresh nutritious organic food without harm to our ailing planet using the iAVs Sandgardening method.

Regardless of what brought you here – or what triggers your interest in iAVs Sandgardening – we invite you to continue the journey with us.

If you’re a home gardener or a small farmer and you want to learn a better way to grow food – anticipate some good news in the coming days.

If you’re an NGO…and you truly want a more productive, resilient and sustainable way to make a difference…and you’re willing to fund an iAVs Sandgardening project in your region…email me at gary@iavs.info

If you’d like to discuss a commercial controlled environment cropping project…and you are prepared to pay professional consultancy rates…email me at gary@iavs.info – and I’ll pass your proposal on to Dr Mark R McMurtry.

Feel free to stay in touch at www.iavs.info.   We’re about to enter an exciting phase together!



  1. I’ve literally been looking for Dr McMurtry’s work for my college essay for about 2 months. So happy to have finally found him. I had previously only seen single sentence to paragraph summarizing that he’d done his work at NCSU, but even going to the university could not find his work. It seems the university has sadly switched over to Dr. Rakocy’s aquaponics method.

  2. Hello! I honestly just stumbled across this while looking up home aquappnics systems and would love to try a home build version of IAVs. Is the 4 week course enough to get me started and are there any other resources available to help design an IAVs system?

  3. I currently run a DWC and a media bed aquaponics system. I have to clean the media bed regularly to prevent anaerobic build up..do you have to do the same in a sandbed?

    1. No David. Sand biofilters trap the organics at the surface where they become part of the detritus layer. We have one member who has a continuously operating iAVs that is 20 years old…and many others that are six or seven years old.

      You need to clean coarse media beds because they allow the solids to settle in the bottom of the grow bed where they become anaerobic.

      And that’s just one of the ways that iAVs distinguishes itself from aquapnics.

  4. Very much looking for detailed instructions of construction. Have been designing a unconventional greenhouse system that is unlike anything else, and I believe this would be as close to ideal a method to be used as I will find.