iAVs offers several advantages over traditional aquaponics, primarily due to its unique use of sand as a biofilter:
- Superior Filtration: Sand provides superior mechanical and biological filtration, effectively removing solid waste and promoting beneficial microbial activity. This results in cleaner water for the fish and more efficient nutrient cycling for the plants.
- Enhanced Oxygenation: The intermittent flooding and draining cycle in iAVs ensures a constant supply of oxygen to the sand bed, promoting aerobic decomposition of fish waste and supporting a healthy microbial community.
- Increased Stability: The sand acts as a buffer, stabilizing pH levels and water quality, making the system less prone to fluctuations.
- Greater Crop Diversity: The sand medium provides better root support, allowing for a wider range of crops, including heavier fruiting plants.
- Simplicity and Cost-Effectiveness: iAVs is simpler to construct and operate than many aquaponic systems and requires less specialized equipment, making it more accessible and affordable.
- Lower Energy Use: iAVs only requires the water pump to run for a total of 2 hours every day.
- No supplements: By properly utilizing all of the fish ‘waste’ there is no need to add additional supplements.
Admin Selected answer as best 2 January 2025