Some People Object to Reality … Always


The following document presents a critical comparison between the Integrated Aqua-Vegeculture System (iAVs) and the University of the Virgin Islands (UVI) aquaponics system. Dr. Mark McMurtry, the pioneer of iAVs, provides a detailed analysis of the two systems, highlighting the superior efficiency, productivity, and sustainability of iAVs. This comparison is based on extensive research and decades of practical experience, aiming to provide clear, factual information for those interested in sustainable food production methods.


PDF Comparing iAVs to UVI claims linked BELOW

Rant du jour (draft):

Some people (far too many IMO) object to being confronted with reality … at all … or ever.    And when facts are placed in front of them for due consideration, their tendency is to double-down on prior prejudice and dive ever deeper into cherished delusion – aka their favored fantasy.  This is certainly true in politics and religions and also equally prevalent within so-called ‘aquaponics’ (whatever that term ‘actually means’ (implies) to anyone).

If you are such an individual, then, well …  you may as well just stop reading right now, because you are definitely NOT going to like where this rant is going.  Because I’m not going to ignore reality (facts), or stop promoting rational choices, or accept/pretend that I have no right to / no merit in presenting same merely because some people can always find ways to feel butt-hurt, insulted, threatened, or otherwise challenged that prior prejudices may actually be less significant than they’d previously found comforting.

It is almost always the case that whenever I attempt to compare/contrast various AP techniques (typically non-substantive claims or overtly hyped vague assertion as compared to demonstrable evidence), that I am then chided, derided and impugned for attempting to do so.  E.g., that  “… your [my] way of “selling iAVs” is very off-putting”  … that I “make people feel stupid” … that I have “no right to compare” UVI’s claims to NCSU’s vetted research findings, et cetera ad nauseum.

WRT “Selling”   How is giving iAVs away – my money and time for decades – “selling iAVs”?  And, how could that be even remotely “off putting”? How does my generosity potentially harm or threaten anyone? These are entirely rhetorical remarks and not actual questions. I literally ‘gave’ a small fortune, a career, my health, and now over three decades of my life to the iAVs dissemination effort (all for free, at my expense).  I’ve NEVER charged ANYone a single cent for anything ever.  I am not SELLING anything.  iAVS was and remains a gift. If someone doesn’t want to accept it, then no one is forcing anyone to take it or appreciate it.

WRT ‘promoting’ iAVs:  I suspect that just about anything you’ve ever bought was the result of a conscious choice between several alternatives, from comparing features, options, performance, etc of one option versus presumptive alternatives.  E.g. your car, house, phone, clothes, spouse, friends, et cetera ad infinitum.  All selections were likely made as the result of an at least semi-informed decision made from comparing and contrasting factors/features you prefer over those felt less desirable.

I suggest that selecting a food production technology should (in reality) not be evaluated/chosen any differently.  That there are real choices, options (each with actual consequences) … with disparate cost:benefit, practicality, sustainability, reliability and performance considerations to select from. In the PDF that follows (below), these contrasts between AP ‘methods’ are itemized, simple listings of factors laid-out in tabular form

In the past I’ve made several efforts to contrast costs and performance of iAVs vs UVI (DWC).  And I am always berated/chastised for doing so.  In so doing, I have not been ‘picking on’ UVI per se.  Facts are facts, and facts are not rationally subject to debate, the facts (to the extent that they can be demonstrated,verified), are what they are.  If ANY other accessible information set(s) existed, then I’d ‘pick on’ them too (actually, I have contrasted iAVs with the ‘results’ of the so-called “AP Survey” of “188 commerccial operations” as published by John Hopkins University in 2013)..  But, TMK, there are NO other (so-called) data points/sets available (including in the aforementioned survey).  If the only two cars available for you to chose amongst were the Ford Mustang and the Chevy Camero, then does anyone actually believe that people wouldn’t ‘race’ them (evaluate, consider the merits side-by-side) to determine which performed better? Seriously?

Now, since I apparently ‘come off’ to some, if not many, an arrogant, disturbed, insulting, lying, off-putting, mean, vile  – or worse it seems- then try to imagine for a moment that iAVs had been (was) your baby, your gift to the world, and your life’s work … and then given the above ensuing developments/facts, imagine that you were then ‘treated’ as if a pariah, pretender, con, fraud, fool, maniac and/or worse (and also in ill-heath and destitute) and then try to imagine just how you might happen to feel about all of that.

Yeah, I admit to being angry, but more than that I’m disgusted, weary, out of patience (zero tolerance for BS) and almost out of time.   But I also persist in the notion that iAVs can/will significantly positively impact on those who adopt it and authentically implement it for the betterment of their family and/or community (I must also be irredeemably stubborn too).   I brought ‘this baby’ into the world, have given half my life to nurturing it, and I desperately want to see it graduate and so to go out into the world and succeed (realize some fraction of its full potential) and therein provide security and vitality to those in distressed circumstances and absolute need.

PDF Comparing iAVs to UVI claims  BDS AquaponicsComparison

NOTE on above:  There are some minor transcription errors but not in the values (numbers) i.e. “B” is Boron not Vitamin B  and UVI did/does add mineral supplements not just fish feed.    There is, however a MAJOR error in the so-called “Profile” section (and Bevan knows it/knows better). That New Alchemy claim is bogus, and he knows it.  Its FAR more complex and involved than he presents and I have not time or present interest in revisiting (detailing) my association with the players at NAI again – who I did if fact know.   NAI led directly to Auburn and on to UVI’s Raft/DWC method.  I did ‘my own thing’ period.  They knew it , I knew it, everyone knew  it … except Bevan has a turd lodged where is brain used to be.



The data presented in this document clearly demonstrates the significant advantages of iAVs over the UVI system in terms of resource efficiency, productivity, and overall sustainability. Dr. McMurtry’s passion for iAVs and his frustration with misconceptions in the field are evident. While the tone may be perceived as confrontational by some, the underlying message is crucial: when choosing a food production technology, it is essential to make informed decisions based on verifiable data and demonstrated performance. The iAVs system, developed through rigorous scientific research and practical application, offers a promising solution for sustainable food production, particularly in challenging environments. As we face global challenges in food security and resource management, the potential of iAVs to provide efficient, high-yield, and environmentally friendly food production should not be overlooked.

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