

NCSU ResPersp 7-3  Aquaculture In Greenhouses: Fish and Vegetables Grow Together  NCSU Research Perspectives 7:3 (1988).

R411 folio prints  Representative photographs from inside 1988-89 Ratio Studies greenhouse with harvest samples

IAVS Aquaponics Summary –  An overview of  iAVs.

NCSU:OIP IAVS Description’88   Description of iAVs as disseminated by NCSU’s Office of International Programs, 1988.

Boone Mora Demo – an article on the Mora/Garrett commercial trial.

Boone Mora Email Info – a communication that Boone Mora sent interested parties on the conduct of his commercial trial of  iAVs.

Am Veg Grower  American Vegetable Grower magazine.  “Fish Increase Greenhouse Profits”.  by Douglas C. Sanders,   Feb. 1988.

Intl Ag-Sieve   “Aqua-Vegeculture Systems”, Rodale Institute, International Ag-Sieve, Vol 1(3).

DWC vs IAVs Thesis – Hisham-El-Essawy-Thesis-after-defense-16-Jan-2018_HS – the first ‘scientific’ comparison of iAVs and DWC methods.

Other popular press, magazine and newspaper articles from 1980’s not posted.

Peer-reviewed publication citations:

McMurtry, M.R., D.C. Sanders, J. Cure, R.G. Hodson, B.C. Haning and P.C. St. Amand. 1997a. Efficiency of Water Use of an Integrated Fish/Vegetable Co-Culture System.  J. World Aquaculture Society. 28 (4):  J. WAS 94 Text_alpha Cit     J. WAS 94 Figures    J. WAS 94 Tables   J.WAS 94 Table 3 final

McMurtry, M.R., R.G. Hodson, D.C. Sanders and J. Cure. 1997 b. Effects of Biofilter / Rearing Tank Volume Ratios on Productivity of a Recirculating Fish/Vegetable Co-Culture System.  J. of Applied Aquaculture. 7(4): 33-51.

McMurtry, M.R., D.C. Sanders, P.V. Nelson and A. Nash. 1993 a. Mineral nutrient concentration and uptake of tomato irrigated with recirculating aquaculture water as influenced by quantity of fish waste products supplied. J. Plant Nutrition Vol. 16 (3), pp. 407-419 .    J.Plt Nutrition 16-3-93     <<  [Note: Once open in Adobe Reader, will need to “rotate view” clockwise. May also need to first download the pdf to disk and then open in Adode Reader?   Apology for the poor quality, it’s what I have (scan of reprint).]

McMurtry, M.R., D.C. Sanders, R.P. Patterson and A. Nash. 1993 b. Yield of tomato irrigated with recirculatory aquaculture water. J. Production Agriculture., Vol.6, no. 3, pp. 331-2, 428-432.   J Prod Ag 6-3-93

McMurtry, M.R., P.V. Nelson, D.C. Sanders and L. Hodges. 1990 a. Sand culture of vegetables using recirculating aqua cultural effluents.  J. of Applied Agricultural Research; Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 280-284.    J. Ap Ag Research 5-4

McMurtry, M.R., D.C. Sanders, B.C. Haning, and P.C. St. Amand., submitted 1990, 1994. Food Value, Water Use Efficiency, and Economic Productivity of an Integrated Aquaculture-Olericulture System as Influenced by Tank to Biofilter Ratio.    HortTech [submitted twice, not published, claimed to be aquaculture and not horticulture).  94 HortTech Text v.2.3      94 HortTech Table

McMurtry, M.R., D.C. Sanders, P.V. Nelson and R.G. Hodson. 1990 c. Nutrient dynamics in an integrated recirculatory aquaculture-vegetable production system. Proc. XXIIIrd International Horticultural Congress, Florence, Italy. Aug 27 -Sept. 1.

McMurtry, M.R., P.V. Nelson, and D.C. Sanders. 1987. Mineral Content and Yield of Bush Bean, Cucumber, and Tomato [et al] Cultivated in Sand and Irrigated with Recirculating Aquaculture Water. North Carolina Agricultural Research Service., No. 11019 (1987).   Min Nut+’86


People who contributed to research and dissemination of iAVs (1984-1994)

IAVS Personnel Resources-E