Gary Donaldson

Gary Donaldson


Foreword In 2023, the global food situation presents a stark dichotomy. On one hand, millions of individuals are grappling with starvation, some to the point of death. On the other hand, an abundance of inexpensive food is available to the…

Is Fate Fickle or just an Outright Bitch?

Have you ever wondered why some people experience a successful and satisfying life while others just seem destined for poverty and misery? You may consider that it’s a good education, hard work, and rich parents.   And there’s no doubt, they…

A Recently Discovered 22-Year Old iAVs.

In 2017, a member of one of my Facebook groups unearthed a substantial article about an iAVs system that had been established in 1998. While that was a surprise, it was nothing compared to the discovery that the system that…

What you can expect from an iAVs.

The legacy of iAVs being the subject of properly constituted research trials is that we have so much validated information available on the method…something that’s not available for most other growing systems. Remember, the numbers cited in this article are…

Aquaponics’ Biggest Mistake

The notion of using fish wastes to fertilize plants (the fundamental premise of aquaponics) has its roots in early Asian and South American civilisations. The ancient Aztecs built ‘chinampas’ (networks of canals and stationary artificial islands) in which they cultivated…

Why iAVs ?

There are many reasons for choosing iAVs as a food production strategy.   Broadly speaking, iAVs is simpler to build and easier to use.  It also requires few resources and has less of an impact on the environment. More food…

Building the iAVs in Developing Nations

iAVs had its roots in a quest to develop a new method of agriculture for arid-zone underdeveloped regions such as the African Sahel. While the following images depict the development of such a low-cost, low-tech iAVs, a similar system can meet the needs…